Thursday, August 19, 2010

Obey This!

So Curtis' quick post to this week’s message is frustrating because he basically set the ground rules for this week’s discussion.

I enjoy speculation and deep reflective thinking. It allows me conceptualize, and keep things at a cognitive dissonance. Basically what I am saying is that I like to keep juxtaposition from thinking and doing. As I think about actualizing the "Obey" command (which is repeated and repeated throughout Deuteronomy) I wonder if Moses was a senile old man (rambling on about the same thing) or if we are really just big "stiff necked" aka moron people. After looking at my life I am inclined to say that Moses knew we were morons stuck in a rut and he had to drive home the point. (this is actually what the Hebrew implied for those of you who can’t read Hebrew, your version in your Bible softens this up a tab bit)

My sermon on Sunday was about "my desires" and how they don't always align with God's for me to desire him. As I said Sunday..."I always get in the way!" With my sermon for Sunday, Curtis gave me a sermon that basically says "Obey and do what you're told!" Easy? I think not. Not only do I have a strong reaction to anytime someone tells me what to do (particularly my wife), but when we talk about God, I feel that it is unattainable... I want to keep the deep conceptualizing ideas because it removes action. I am able to stay in my safe realm of libraries and class rooms. When I take my thoughts and actions to the street to actualize and "Obey" I get uncomfortable, things start to hurt, I start to lose me....there is a war going on inside of me. Only I am losing both sides. I don’t feel that this is new or earth shattering news…just hard. So hard that as I sit here writing this…I can’t help but think that I didn’t spend any time with God today. I like the easy and comfortable life of doing work, reading the newspaper, checking up on sports, etc.

The easy and comfortable life is the reason that we fail to act and obey. It goes against our grain and everything that we have been taught to Obey. Although I know that I should and it would do me good to “OBEY!” I try to find any way out…even my post currently…I am hoping that by being honest I will gain sympathy so that you empathize with me….but I am still not obeying….therefore I will stop writing and go spend some time with God

I apologize for being gone the last couple weeks…vacation and then two of the most stressful weeks of my life. I was hoping someone would pick up the torch and carry on the blogs…Curtis has been trying but he needs help….just OBEY and write!

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