Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Freak With A Capital "F"

Garrett and I are a bit quirky. And, if you know us..this isn't news to you. :)

But, one of the funniest quirks about Garrett is that he really HATES being called a Christian. He despises it enough that he wants to make up his own name for his faith.

His explanation is that everyone that believes in God (regardless of their actions or lifestyle) labels themselves as a "Christian". Anyone that isn't Buddhist, Muslim, Mormon, etc. that believes that Jesus existed just checks the little box by Christian. But being Christian is supposed to mean so much more. We are supposed to be set apart..actual FOLLOWERS, not observers.

But are we?

I'm just not sure how "Different" Christians (myself included) are from the average, every day, Mr. Nice Guy, non-believer down the street.

That's why Curtis's sermon hit home. We are not called to be common, average or normal. We are called to follow Christ with a reckless abandon. As Curtis put it, maybe we are called to be a little bit insane.

I have been wrestling with turning away from my earthy Idols for the past few months and I admit its not easy. I've been making conscious decisions to not watch shows or listen to music that would not be pleasing to Christ (Hello, True Blood!). It gets especially hard when people ask why I don't do things I did previously. They seriously think I'm a freak with a capital "F"!!! But it sparks some interesting conversations and a chance to give my 2 minute shame-less plug. (Thankfully, if anyone knows me they know that 99.9% of the time, I don't care what people think.)

But, I've got a long way to go in casting out my earthly idols.. I need to take another long, hard look at my life and continue "Taking out the trash."

This is me signing off...I helped coach my baby niece out of the womb and I'm toast.

Shameless, Insane, Jesus-lovin' Toast, That is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a lurker here...

Mormon's are considered Christians.

They believe in Jesus Christ and everything he did for us. They believe Him to be our Savior. You might be surprised to learn that majority of their beliefs of Jesus Christ would line up pretty well with yours.