Friday, August 6, 2010

LINKS(ed) to the Rest of the World

Are you wondering who these people are?


They don't know who you are either...

True story.  

And yet, you and me and this family are all linked together... through our sharing of our Father in heaven, our love for Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit that joins us together in mission.

August's Mission emphasis is LINKS.  What is LINKS?  Good question...

"The LINKS program of the Church of the Nazarene" is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Christians around the world.  Missionaries are assigned to districts (we are part of the Northern California district) and then, on the district level, connected to local churches. This gives each church the opportunity to become personally acquainted with the missionary family and their field of service. The missionaries are encouraged, knowing people care and pray for them." (from

Will you try to spend some time this week in prayer for Dana and Sherry Howard, our LINKS missionaries? 

Dana and Sherry will actually be with us on October 17th.  This will be a powerful time to connect with people we have been praying for. 

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