Thursday, July 15, 2010

What is "Church" and "Worship"?

Some know that a few weeks ago we had a family visiting with us from San Raman.  David is a pastor in SR and he was on a two week vacation.  As my ordination mentor, he came to worship with us as a friend and someone curious about what we are doing.  He and I grabbed lunch yesterday and he shared with me a couple encouraging words about our Saturday Night experiment. 

The main thing he told me was that it was incredibly refreshing that we weren't trying to be something we weren't.  It was obvious that we are a community that cares about one another and those who want to participate with us in worship.  But, we aren't trying to wow anyone into staying or trying to make things "perfect."  He made clear that our actions say, "This is who we are, we welcome you to join with us"

I really appreciated this feedback.  This suggests that to us, worship isn't an event to attract people to in order to build up an institution.  Rather, it is part (though central and important part) of our life, lived together.  Worship is an extension of the relationships being developed through the rest of week.  So, when we invite people to worship with us, we don't expect people to be wow'd with hype, but to see the reason why are lives look the way they do.

I offer this reflection today, because I came across an interesting cartoon that you could call an indictment of "Contemporary worship."  Does this cartoon miss the mark?  (Cartoon from James K. A. Smith's blog)


Matt Tennyson said...

It is a good reminder...which I need...that we are not out to toot our own horn or celebrate the large numbers that we bring in. We are seeking a counter culture way to do church which has large obstacles to overcome. I guess it makes sense though since we are working with a counter culture Gospel...

Curtis you would subscribe to James K.A. Smith's blog...I love you.

Matt Tennyson said...

It is a good reminder...which I need...that we are not out to toot our own horn or celebrate the large numbers that we bring in. We are seeking a counter culture way to do church which has large obstacles to overcome. I guess it makes sense though since we are working with a counter culture Gospel...

Curtis you would subscribe to James K.A. Smith's blog...I love you.