Friday, July 16, 2010

Fight for your Right!

It the words of the Beastie Boys…we need to fight for our right to¬¬¬________(the song says party but in today's culture it could be anything so I’ll let you fill in the blank of what rights you want to fight for). I know it is almost a week later (from the sermon), but I am still wrestling with the thoughts about our rights as Christians. It didn’t take long to see how easy my rights/toes can be stepped on. I was literally driving home from service and Theresa and I got into a discussion about the service and all of a sudden I started to get mad…I wasn’t going to kill T or anything, but I started to see what Curtis was talking about in his message about how quick the domino affect can happen when I feel violated (rights, ego, entitlements, etc).
So what rights do I have? It seems that for some reason this has been a reoccurring conversation around me this week. I get an email called the daily bread and two of the little daily devotions were regarding our rights as we are now slaves to Christ…our new master. It is amazing how bad I want to fight the idea that I don’t have rights and that God is in control…I think I even try to negotiate the power he has in my life. If he was a worldly slave master I defiantly would have been beat this week (if God hands out good old fashion @$$ whooping). As the idea of Christ being my new master I started to wrestle with why am I so lame in turning my rights over to him? The conclusion I came to is…when the boss is away…the children will play. I find it amazing how when my boss doesn’t come into work or goes on vacation how much the tension drops at work. The schedules start to slip slightly…lunches become a little longer…people head home a little earlier…come in later the next day..And the list goes on. Christ left the earth a couple thousand years ago so you can imagine how bad/lackadaisical the church (our office) full of Christ’s slave (His employees) can become. (Especially if we are not constantly reading His business plan…aka the Bible)
My understanding is that I have adopted other practices not conducent to my work environment…therefore I am fighting when God has commanded to turn the other cheek…OUCH!


Unknown said...

interesting thoughts man... I really enjoyed reading this.

I hope your boss doesn't happen upon our blog this week. :)

I've been trying to figure out which "rights" are the hardest for me to let go of...

Meagan said...

Dang, right now, I'm the opposite. As stubborn as I am for "MY rights" this point in my life I just want God to tell me what to do. Life would be so much easier. Free will isn't all its cracked up to be! haha.