As I was going over my notes for this week's blog, I was reminded that "anal sex" was discussed openly in the house of God (it brought a mischievous smirk to my face). Did anyone care that there were minors in God's house for the discussion? No (although a couple heads popped up and attention, if lost, was immediately back). Did anyone run to grab gasoline and matches to prepare to have a burning at the stake? No! The only other time I can remember anal sex being talked about openly (in a church or religious setting) was by Dr/Prof. Reed at Pr. Loma. Dr/Prof Reed spoke about a little differently about the act, but attentions were focused 100% on every word. As an intro (maybe a decoy to keep your attention) to touch back on Curtis' opening questions of how is the church doing with sexuality, sex, and marriage as witnesses to the world/or in comparison to the world (for those not in attendance the consensus was that the Church is not doing very well).
Sex is one of those things that we (the church, world, humanity) are confused about (Evidence in the fact that we had our biggest service in weeks when we talk about sex). In trying to think of something to blog about I feel like there is so much to say, but so much not to say(a taboo ingrained from the church). What is sex's proper role in the church? How should conversations be handled (in the open) to show that it is honored and respected? How do we find God's "baby words" in the Ten Commandments and transfer them to relevant in our present culture? How can the Church, God's supposed vessel, set a standard/example for society, when statistics show that the church is just as (I believe more due to the lack of discussion) confused as the world about sex? I really believe that the world forms the church, and that the church is failing to form the world (in regards to sexuality).
So where do we go from here? Should we have Taylor write a song about proper oral sex so that we can remove the ingrained negative connotations that come with discussing sex in church? Since we have Song of Songs I won't go that far… yet. The two books that have been shaping my ideas/thoughts this summer have been "Desiring the Kingdom" which discusses taking our faith from our thoughts and putting them into our practices and how those practices will shape/form us (holistically) more than any school (lecture style). The second book is "Almost Christian: What the faith of our teenagers says about the church.” In the book the argument is made that teens take on the beliefs and practices of their parents. These two books combined to form "Captain Plan" (I left off "et" because I think they provide a plan for the discussion questions at the end of service). The plan involves practices and actions that mirror our thoughts and beliefs regarding God and Commands/expectations. Actions that yield a result of actually loving our neighbor, not coveting, giving self sacrificing love, viewing everyone as God’s child…and the list can goes on. These particularly speak to the new definition of not committing adultery in our culture today.
What happens when the Church starts loving their neighbors as themselves? What happens when Christians don't covet? What happens when Christians act as Christ's slaves (losing rights, individual freedom, etc)? How could Christians enter into a sexual relationship when they put away their desires and seek to serve their brothers and sisters in Christ? A revolution? A recapturing of the faith? Of course, but then my worst enemy attacks me…myself. My mind says, "ya but…” and then enter the excuse. “This is too hard” “This is unrealistic" “No one can actually live this” Then I look at Jesus, the apostles, Paul, the stories of the early church…and I still say “ya but.” I seem to put them on a pedestal, making them out to be larger than life…but I think James says it best. James 5:17 “Elijah was a human being just like us…” Jane’s testimony that Curtis shared is evidence that we can impact the world through living his commands. I keep asking myself though…do I really want it?
Wow…I just realized that I am all over the place. I guess what I am trying to say is that God has really been working with me on taking what I hear in service or read in the Bible and putting it into action. In regards to “Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery” I liked the fact that we got a chance to discuss what that means for us today. What I was trying to say through the rest of it is that I can get really discouraged and feel alone when I try to do it all alone. The good news that I remind myself of is that we are all humans, can do all things through his strength and that we are not alone (we have Christ and each other).
In closing…Megan I appreciate your openness and frankness. It says a lot when you can fully stand up in church and not feel judged to openly discuss anal and oral sex…especially when there are jr higher in the room (thank goodness my daughter wasn’t in the room…she repeats everything) You are fully received in our community.
Monday, July 19, 2010
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Ok after reading this and not being apart of Saturday night...please tape the service and post it...LOL
I'll even give you my video camera!
I knew I would keep the attention with that special subject. The audio will be up soon (usually by wed). Or you could bring your amazing husband and wonderful family to service ;) I know a couple people and we could get you your own table reserved.
Had a great time last night. Thanks again for coming over!
I hope Meagan doesn't mind me posting this, but I think a text she sent me following service illustrates how far the Church has come from being a safe place to talk honestly about all matters of faith and morality...
from txt: "I just told Garret, 'I can't believe I said the words "anal sex" in church.' I hope I don't go to heck."
What would happen in a community of faith if its members began to speak more honestly, removing the nice/polite/appropriate/proper filter? To what extent are we called to be this kind of community?
Do we sometimes not say things that should be said under the pretense/guise of niceness, politeness, and propriety?
Cia, you can get the message from either iTunes or sometime later this week. The messages are posted here each week...
I totally think that as "Christians" we are somewhat censored by the cultural norm.
I would like everyone to stop playing Stepford Mommy/wife/husband/christian for just a few minutes and see what kind of outrageous things are said and what kind of deep questions are asked.
It would get interesting!
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